
Tag Archives: online classes

Sorry, faithful readers!  I’ve been busy with work, writing, and classes–writing classes, of course.

I’ve been taking them online, which is a bit of a strange and maturing experience, through UCLA Extension (I’m in their Fiction Writing Certificate program).  I say maturing, because the classes require you to post on a discussion board and interacting with fellow students (I’m more the type to sit quietly in class for a few weeks, before getting annoyed enough at others and share my opinion), making me ‘add to the conversation’ earlier (earlier, probably, than most people want).  Most of my teachers have required a minimum amount of postings per week.

For anyone who is considering pursuing writing, particularly if you don’t have a local writing group that offers classes (like the wonderful Grub Street in Boston, or also awesome San Diego Writers, Ink), the online program can be a great way to give yourself the structure and accountability that’s so hard to find when you’re just sitting at the computer (and going and fixing some tea, and looking up just that one thing on wikipedia, and, oh, hey, is it lunch time?, and rearranging books).  

But, along with the online classes, I also take a ‘live’ class.  Online classes just don’t offer the same casual atmosphere, the chance to make writing friends, the candid conversations.  No community.  The backspace button is just too tempting.  

So, would I recommend it? My answer: Yes*.

*see above comments.**

**Also, one of my teachers is also a psychic, so…